Monday, January 24, 2011

Temporary Home

Thanks to MIA for introducing this song to me.

Baru aja main ke blog Mia dan baca postingan dia tentang ini lagu. Tertarik dengan liriknya yang memang menyentuh, mau enggak mau gue jadi langsung mengunjungi untuk mencoba mendengarkan yang langsung berlanjut pada proses pengunduhan dan sekarang lagi gue dengerin. Now it's on repeat mode...I really can listen this song for a whole day!

Dan tiba-tiba terpikir untuk ikutan menaruh itu lagu di sini....hehehehe maaf ya Mia kalo jadi terkesan salah ya? Bukan terkesan lagi, karena emang niru mau bikin iri sekalian karena mau masang v-klip nya yang daku temukan di youtube hahaha.... ;)

Lagu Temporary Home dinyanyikan oleh Carrie Underwood dari album Play On (2009). Buat yang tertarik untuk mengunduh, monggo ke aja ya...gunakan search engine dan tinggal ketik judulnya nanti bakal keluar banyak pilihan...dengerin dulu karena ada yang suaranya kurang bagus, baru abis itu diunduh.

Gue biasanya enggak gitu suka dengan lagu country, meskipun demikian ada beberapa kali gue menemukan lagu country yang menarik untuk didengarkan, biasanya sih yang udah agak-agak pop. Satu hal yang menarik dari lagu country, menurut adek gue, adalah lirik di dalam lagu tersebut. Lirik lagu country sering sekali berisi cerita, bukan sekedar puisi atau curahan hati. Malah, bisa jadi satu lagu itu isinya murni cerita. Coba aja perhatiin. Enggak semua sih, tapi kebanyakan seperti itu.

So...without further ado...first the lyric and then the video

Little boy, 6 years old
A little too used to bein' alone.
Another new mom and dad,another school,
Another house that'll never be home.
When people ask him how he likes this place...
He looks up and says, with a smile upon his face,

"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."

Young mom on her own.
She needs a little help, got nowhere to go.
She's lookin' for a job, lookin' for a way out,
Because a half-way house will never be a home.
At night she whispers to her baby girl,
"Someday we'll find our place here in this world."

"This is our temporary home.
It's not where we belong.
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home."

Old man, hospital bed,
The room is filled with people he loves.
And he whispers don't cry for me,
I'll see you all someday.
He looks up and says, "I can see God's face."

"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This was just a stop,on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know... this was
My temporary home."

This is our temporary home.

1 comment:

mia said...

Hahahaha, video clipnya bagus! Liriknya bagus pisan, aku ampe denger bolak-balik, wih apalagi kalau kamu liat kontestannya yang nyanyi ze, haduuh berasa banget nyanyi pake hati. SO touchin banget :)

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