Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love Is In The Air

Well...sebenernya agak 'males' untuk nulis soal THE Royal Wedding, karena pasti udah banyak banget yang meliput. TAPI berhubung harus diakui bahwa peristiwa ini merupakan peristiwa besar, peristiwa heboh, peristiwa seru dan peristiwa bersejarah...jadi ya kayaknya sayang aja kalo gue enggak tulis hahahaha...

No, gue enggak akan cerita soal Prince William and Catherine Middleton, karena sekali lagi, udah banyak banget yang ceritain.

Gue cuma mau nulis, kalo tanggal 29 April 2011, Prince William menikah dengan Catherine Middleton, yang kemudian dikasih geral HRH Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, serta dua gelar lainnya.

Gue cuma mau nulis, kalo dari pagi gue udah bolak-balik nonton antara BBC, CNN, dan FoxNews (SkyNews), kemudian muncul E! dan kemudian ada TLC (Travel and Living Channel), dan tidak ketinggalan tv lokal, Metro TV dan TV One.

Gue cuma mau nulis, kalo yang gue pantengin dari awal adalah CNN (entah kenapa).

Gue cuma mau nulis, bahwa gue juga ikutan penasaran sama gaun pengantinnya Catherine, dan begitu ngeliat dia keluar dari Hotel Goring, gue langsung suka sama model gaunnya, dan Piers Morgan from CNN bilang bahwa gaunnya mirip gaunnya Grace Kelly, dan bahwa gaunnya emang bener dibikin sama Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen.

Gue cuma mau nulis, bahwa gue cuma menanti sampe Catherine sampai ke pelaminan di samping Prince William, gue foto (untuk gue kasih liat ke Gerrie) dan abis itu gue pergi ketemu Gerrie di MKG :D

Dan terakhir, gue cuma mau bilang, bahwa thanks to Linyuk, gue tau bahwa di E! ternyata seluruh acaranya ditayangkan ulang. Dan gue berhasil liat jalannya upacara pernikahan Prince William dan Catherine Middleton. Dan sekali lagi gue melakukan channel hopping antara TLC, E!, CNN, dan BBC.

Oh ketinggalan...ternyata ada lagunya John Rutter, yang setelah gue cari infonya di internet (karena gue lupa judulnya, jadi kudu dicari tapi untung di E! diulang lagi itu acara jadi ntar gue bisa tulis)...ehm.. oh ya, menurut info di internet (Backseatcuddler) John Rutter diminta untuk mengarang sebuah lagu atas permintaan Dean of Westminster sebagai hadiah bagi pasangan yang berbahagia. Lagunya bagus!! Dan enggak lama, tebakan gue, semua pada belajar lagu itu dan para pengantin akan berlomba-lomba meminta lagu itu untuk dinyanyikan pada upacara pernikahan mereka. Dan satu lagi lagu yang gue suka, adalah lagu pengiring Prince William & Catherine keluar dari gereja, Crown Imperial by William Walton (1902-83)

Intinya...yah...puas lah :)

Judulnya adalah "This Is The Day (The Lord Hath Made)"

pictures taken by Mario Testino

Thursday, April 28, 2011

When Did You Fall (In Love With Me) - Chris Rice

Ok...I just lovvvvveee this song. Heard ehm...or maybe read it on fanfiction, got curious and decided to look it up on, listened to it and soon it's on repeat mode.

The song a little bit jazzy, so it's kinda heard to sing along, unless you have perfect pitch :D not me though. only give the lyric now, to lazy to put on the song for you to hear...try if you want to hear, or go to

You’re all smiles and silly conversation
As if this sunny day came just for you
You twist your hair, you smile and you turn your eyes away
C’mon, tell me what’s right with you

Now it dawns on me probably everybody’s talkin’
And there’s something here I’m supposed to realize
‘Cause your secret’s out, and the universe laughs at it’s joke on me
I just caught it in your eyes, it’s a beautiful surprise

When did you fall in love with me?
Was it out of the blue
‘Cause I swear I never knew it
When did you let your heart run free?
Have you been waiting long?
When did you fall in love with me?
When did you fall in love?

Make your way over here, sit down by this fool, and let’s rewind
C’mon, let’s go back and replay all our scenes
You can point out the hints, the clues, the twists and the smiles this time
All the ones that slipped by me

I bet my face is red, and you can hear my heart poundin’
Well I guess it don’t matter now that I realize
‘Cause baby I missed it then, but I can surely see you now
Right here before my eyes
You’re my beautiful surprise

When did you fall in love with me?
Was it out of the blue
‘Cause I swear I never knew it
When did you let your heart run free?
Have you been waiting long?
When did you fall in love with me?

When did you fall in love?

Was it at the coffee shop
Or was that morning at the bus stop
When you almost slipped, and I caught your hand
Or the time we built the snowman
The day at the beach, sandy and warm
Or the night with the scary thunderstorm
I never saw the signs
Now we’ve got to make up for lost time
And I can tell now by the way that you’re looking at me
I’d better finish this song so my lips will be free
Have you been waiting long, when did you fall in love
I kept you waiting so long, when did you fall
Have you been waiting long
When did you fall in love with me
When did you fall in love?

I really love this sweet :D

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another One Finished!

Huah...akhirnya selesai juga 'PR' gue yang satu ini. Selesai tepat sebelum pergi ke Malang, jadi masih ada waktu untuk dipigura. of my dearest cousin is going to get married this May, 14th. Jadi, sebagai hadiah gue pikir untuk bikinin dia kristik aja hehehe...berhubung punya buku pola Precious Moments yang wedding, jadi ya kudu dimanfaatin lah yauw.

Pengerjaan sendiri kurang lebih habis 3 minggu kalo enggak salah. Seminggu penuh gue kerjain non stop dari siang sampe malem (brenti kalo udah capek or ngantuk), dan sisa dua minggu yang agak leha-leha karena kristikan gue udah jadi kurang lebih 60% lah, sisa backstich sama bagian kepala, terutama yang bagian perempuan, karena head piece nya yang meskipun enggak banyak, cukup bikin mata njelimet.

Tapi toh akhirnya tadi pagi subuh semua selesai. Sempet panik karena bingung nyari huruf (seperti biasa) karena mau ditulisin nama mereka dan tanggalnya, soalnya kalo enggak ditulisin nama, kesannya jadi kosong gitu. Setelah membongkar-bongkar segala majalah dan buku pola yang ada, akhirnya berhasil juga ketemu font yang enggak terlalu besar, tapi juga enggak terlalu kecil dan jadi deh...

Sekarang tinggal dibikin pigura-nya dan siap dibawa ke Malang :) tapi kayaknya gue ngantuk banget nih, jadi mungkin dibawa nyari piguranya besok aja kali ya hahahaha

.... what my next project will be ... hm.....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Someone Like You - Adele

I want to write about Disney on Ice at first, but since I decided to hear Someone Like You from Adele...I don't think I can write anything happy while listening to the I wrote about this song instead.

Read about this song for the first time on fanfic I think. Then I read it again when my junior in high school wrote it on her facebook page/status, I forgot which one. I got curious because the lyric deep I think. Decided to finally listen to it and...I like it :D

Adele voice is so..unique, and for me her songs quite hard to sing, because all of the high and low notes, not like any pop songs.

This song I think about heart broken, about missing chances. I can't say that the song describe how I felt but I can say that I can understand it.

I heard that you're settled down,
That you found a girl and you're married now,

I heard that your dreams came true,
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you,

Old friend, why are you so shy?

Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light,

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,
But I couldn't stay away,
I couldn't fight it,

I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,

I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"

Sometimes it lasts in love,

But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah,

You know how the time flies,

Only yesterday was the time of our lives,
We were born and raised in a summer haze,

Bound by the surprise of our glory days,

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,

But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,

I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"

Nothing compares, No worries or cares,
Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made,
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,

I wish nothing but the best for you,

Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,

I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,

I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"

Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dancing Fingers :D

Sorry Mia, meminjam istilah dari kamu hahaha....

So...udah lama juga enggak nulis-nulis di sini...meskipun nyaris tiap hari ini blog dibuka, tapi cuma dipake untuk ngeliat apakah ada unduhan lagu baru (from the blogs I followed) atau apakah mungkin ada postingan dari yang lain (again, from the blogs I followed), dan kadang memberi comment di tempat Mia :D

Setelah sekian bulan absen, entah kenapa tiba-tiba dorongan untuk kembali melakukan aktivitas kristik begitu kuat. Mungkin karena ngeliat sebuah pola kristik yang kecil ... and one thing lead to another...tau-tau gue bikin tiga potong kristik aja :)

And here they are hehehe...

Sebenernya, yang pertama kali gue buat adalah yang "Home Sweet Home" ini...tapi berhubung enggak sempet gue foto jadi ya udah...pas udah dipigura baru difoto.

Dan ini hasil akhirnya...cukup memuaskan menurut gue hehehe...piguranya agak kurang tinggi sih untuk yang "Home Sweet Home" itu...tapi berhubung enggak mungkin juga nyari pigura lain dan gue rada males untuk bikin pigura khusus, jadi ya udah. Sedikit agak maksa tapi toh muat juga :D.

Karena cukup sederhana, jadi memang bikinnya agak cepet.

Sekarang masih mengerjakan kristik yang lain lagi, karena sepupu mau married May besok dan baru inget kalo kristiknya belum kelar. Agghhh...!!! Mana disaat yang sama bokap juga minta ditranslate-kan buku pula...huahhhh makin pusing. Seolah-olah itu belum cukup, tiba-tiba di kepala muncul adegan-adegan menarik untuk cerita yang waktu dulu sempet ditulis....belum lagi buku novel yang (waktu itu) menumpuk untuk segera dibaca...pingin rasanya bisa baca, nulis, ngerjain kristik DAN translate sekaligus...tapi berhubung semuanya menggunakan tangan dan mata...jadi ya kudu dikerjain satu-satu.

Selama seminggu kemaren itu, translate terpaksa dihentikan dulu. Selain karena mulai bosen, bahasanya/istilahnya pun juga rada ribet untuk gue. Jadi kristik jalan dulu, non stop everyday...hasilnya cukup memuaskan hehehe...masih belum selesai tapi paling enggak 80% udah selesai.

Capek dengan kristik, novel Katie Fforde "The Proposal" yang kemaren sempet dibawa ke Malang tapi belum selesai dibaca juga, akhirnya seharian gue kelarin, sampe enggak tidur. Selesai dalam satu hari. Berikutnya langsung lanjut baca J. D. Robb "Indulgence in Death". Selesai dengan buku!

Cerita...kudu dipending dulu...karena toh memang adegan-adegannya baru sedikit jadi ya kayaknya bisa dipending.

Sekarang masih berkutat dengan kristik dan translate...yang ternyata juga kudu selesai bulan May! Oh no!! Hieh.....tiba-tiba terasa jadwal penuh hahahaha **

Sebenernya hari ini sendiri juga cukup banyak cerita...tapi berhubung udah capek (emosi dan fisik) jadi lebih baik besok aja nulisnya :)
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