Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not an Advertisement

First of, let me say that this posting is NOT an advertisement. This is just something my sister told me about, I looked into it and I fell in love with it, and I want to share it with you. Especially if you're a Catholic or a Christian.

So, my sister told me about this website, www.handesignstore.com., which turned out to be a web for some shop (I don't think it's an online shop), a t-shirt/shirt shop. My sister want to buy some shirts for our nephews/nieces, so she asked me to choose. I looked into it and wow...I'm so surprised.


In www.handesignstore.com. you'll see quite many shirts with picture/design that show how you feel about HIM. Yup. Him. In capital H. Means..GOD..as in Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior.

The design is quite cartoon-ny, some are funny. I'm laughing out loud when I see the design. And one made me cry.

This one made me laughed.

aw...aren't they cute :D

This one made me think...

Our reflection;
Maybe we never realize that everytime we look ourself in the mirror,
we look at that person, the same person we thanks to, we pray to,
or maybe the same person who we blame for every mistake that happened in our life,
but we never do really realize
the same person who we look ourself in the mirror
is the reflection of Him,
the one and only our God
who created us using His own image

And this one...touched me deeply...

God Created Me For A Reason

Dear God,

Thank you so much for making me. I know You made me for a reason.
I ask that You would help me figure out who I am in Your eyes.
Help me to live my life for You. Help me to discover the reason why You made me,
and to build my life on You.
Today, I choose to believe what Your words says about me.
I choose to believe that i am not an accident.
I want to know You more, I am going to talk, worship, and read more about You.
Thank you that You will show me my purpose.
I cannot wait to discover more of the reasons why You made me
In Jesus' name, AMEN

I'm definitely going to buy one of their shirt, although I don't know if it will fit me or not :( according to their size measurement...I'm really not so sure...hope it will fit me. I love the design!

So...if you're a Catholic or a Christian, and feeling quite 'brave' to wear this kind of shirt, then by all means...please visit the web, see the design, buy the shirt, and then wear it :)


mia said...

wah bagus banget ze!!

Unknown said...

yup! lucu-lucu juga...beliin Donny - Doddy, deh. Ada yang untuk anak-anak punya...

handy said...

hi, cuman mau koreksi dikit website yg benar www.handesignstore.com bukan www.handesign.com, tq

Unknown said...

OMG!! Ok...ok..segera diperbaiki...

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