Saturday, July 9, 2011


All pictures are taken from

Thanks to Nilla Kartika, since I accidentally stumble upon he tumblr :D
(mostly are Cinderella :D)

ARIES (Jasmine) willful, feisty, independent
TAURUS (Belle) creative, loyal, dependable
GEMINI (Alice) curious, childlike, talkative

CANCER (Cinderella) cautious, nurturing, empathetic

LEO (Charlotte) provocative, demanding, flamboyant

VIRGO (Tiana) realistic, knowledgeable, modest

LIBRA (Mulan) intellectual, easygoing, indecisive

SCORPIO (Pocahontas) intense, secretive, passionate

SAGITTARIUS (Rapunzel) adventurous, spirited, happy

CAPRICORN (Aurora) respectful, devoted, classy

AQUARIUS (Ariel) idealistic, rebellious, open minded

PISCES (Snow White) dreamy, compassionate, kind


mia said...

OMG Zeeee!! Bagus banget gambar-gambarnya, belum sempet ngecek tumblr, baru dari postinganmu doang aiiih cantik banget!

And by the way, Cancer itu Cinderella? Jiah padahal aku suka Ariel ;p

Unknown said...

Iyaaa baguss yaaa :D

hehehehe...gara-gara anak murid pake tumblr (blog-nya jadi enggak aktif) trus iseng liat eh ketemu itu disney princess...jadi langsung mupeng abisss!!

Cinderella cancer ya? Hahahaha aku malah enggak perhatiin. Merhatiinnya langsung yang sagitarius :D

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