Saturday, August 31, 2013

Harry Potter - The 15th Anniversary Edition

I literally opened my mouth when I see this.  Flabbergasted too, I think.  And after that...wishing so hard that I can buy this book.  Oh God!! Please!!!

(anyway, this is not a book review although I did talk about a book, but I still put it under label: book review)

So...I was looking for books from Suzanne Brockmann on the internet, searching for another books from her series that I didn't get yet, but since it's from 1999, it kinda hard to look.  Then, I start to look in bookstore like Periplus, Book Depository, and Open Trolley.  When I get to Open Trolley then my eyes stumble upon something.  

Harry Potter.

Dito and I (or is it Dito and ME? I always get confused), anyway, both of us is still crazy about HP.  And it seems like every book we read, some part of it always back to HP.  It really droves us crazy.  Until now, I still can see HP movie without getting hyperventilating (yeah I know it's hyperbola).  We may never dressed like a Hogwarts students, or visited Pottermore everyday, and I may never remember all the words from the book, but I assure you, both of us is Potterhead :D

Back to the bookstore.

Apparently, this year, commemorating 15 year of HP (I can't believe it's been 15 years already!!), Scholastic was going to release a new cover for HP books.  And I love it!! 

And here they are..

And according to  Book Depository and also Open Trolley, "This special edition of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" has a gorgeous new cover illustration by Kazu Kibuishi. Inside is the full text of the original novel, with decorations by Mary GrandPre." And on Open Trolley there's a little bit more information, "and bonus material in the back." 

The last part really got me curious.  What bonus material?

This what has said about this newest edition:

The deluxe edition includes a 32-page insert featuring near scale reproductions of Mary GrandPré's interior art, as well as never-before-seen full-color frontispiece art on special paper. The custom-designed slipcase is foil-stamped and inside is a full cloth case book, blind-stamped on front and back cover, foil stamped on spine. The book includes full-color endpapers with jacket art from the Trade edition and a wraparound jacket featuring exclusive, suitable-for-framing art from Mary GrandPré.

And not just that...after we (or me, or you) bought all of the seven books, you'll have this..

Even the spine of the book will make a wonderful picture.  I think it's Hogwarts.

So...are you going to buy it.  I think I will.  Hahahaha...although don't know when, but this one is really nice to collect. 

I have HP books.  Bahasa Indonesia edition and also English edition.  Bahasa Indonesia edition, since its only  from one publisher so I got the complete set.  Not the English edition.  I also planned to collect the "signature" edition, where on the cover there's HP' signature, but I don't think I complete it yet.  But this one...I think I will.

Dito...what do you think?? :D


Ditogendut said...

Hahahahaha... Untungnya meskipun gue potterhead, twilighthead, riordanhead, agathachristiehead, hungergameshead, dll, tapi gue cuman termabok-mabok sama isi tulisannya, bukan mediumnya. Makanya gue cukup punya file digital-nya n itu sudah sangat memuaskan buat gue.

Bahkan film-filmnya aja ya cuman gitu-gitu aja sih buat gue. Pengen nonton pas film-nya baru keluar ya pasti, tapi nonton sekali ya udah cukup buat gue (kecuali untuk beberapa bagian tertentu, contoh: "Lily? After all this time?" "Always." Bagian itu sih pasti gue ulang-ulang kaya orang bego klo gue pas lagi kepengen masochist hehehe...)

Well, mungkin sekali-sekali tergoda sih klo liat merchandise-nya, kaya wands dari HP, atau bros dari hunger games, atau mungkin replika dari bolpennya PJ (atau bahkan kumisnya Poirot xixixixixi...) tapi kalo sampe gue beli ya biasanya cuman karena impulsif gara-gara barangnya ada di depan hidung gue aja.

Beda ceritanya kalau tiba-tiba Rowling ngeluarin buku yang isinya kumpulan cerpen-cerpen yang menceritakan masa lalu Dumbly, McGonnagall, Snape, Bellatrix, Voldy, anggota-anggota The Marauders, n Molly+Arthur Weasley. Kalo sampe ada kaya gituan mah meskipun tuh buku dicetak di kertas kaya kertas koran tapi harus bayar kaya beli buku yang dicetak di kerta concord kayanya bakal gue jalanin. Dan pastinya gue pasti jerit-jerit nelpon elu kalo liat beneran ada kaya gituan. Hahahahaha...

Unknown said...

Sorry baru bales To.

Jadi maksud lu, gue lebih parah dari elu gitu? Emang iya sih hahaha...

Yah gue juga enggak bakal sampe pake cosplay HP kok...cosplay DIsney aja cuma sebatas kaos Disney aja haha...

Oh well...tapi gue kayaknya sih bakal beli. Di Kinokuniya udah ada ternyata, kemaren pas ke PS liat dan ada. Nabung dulu deh...

Ditogendut said...

Hwehwehwe... Kayanya kalo soal parahan siapa, itu rada relatif, karena di antara kita berdua, gue lebih bersedia untuk cosplay kalau di sini memang ada toko yang menyediakan kostum (yang muat buat gue, hehehe...) & prop yang lengkap.

Selain itu kalau ada kesempatan (baca: waktu luang n gak ada kerjaan lain) gue bersedia dengan senang hati untuk mengetik ulang HarPot sekedar supaya gue bisa lebih "menyerapi" ceritanya. Xixixi...

FYI, sejauh ini gue udah ngetik ulang Perfume (don't ask why) dan PJ buku 1. Bukan buat apa-apa sih, cuman buat iseng aja. Lagi malem-malem, bengong gak ada kerjaan, males mikir buat bikin cerita sendiri, ya akhirnya ngetik ulang cerita punya orang lain. Itung-itung membiasakan diri mengetik bahasa Inggris. hehehe...

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