Upcoming Books
It's been awhile since I look aroung amazon.com :) and lo and behold! There are some interesting new books coming this year (of course this year!)...some are what I've been waiting for or looking forward to buy (and hopefully to read) while others could be for my friend *looking at Mia* or for anyone else
Darkest Mercy will be released on February 22, 2011 (according to amazon.com).
I haven't read any of Melissa Marr books, maybe because I don't like the story (from the summary I read), but my friend Ingrid read the book, and I'm sure she'll be thrilled to know that the book will come to and end hahaha
Passion will be released on June 14, 2011 (again, according to amazon.com)
This is another book that I haven't read and I don't intend to read. I think. I don't know why I'm not interest to read the series. But I think because the story is too teen...oh well I don't know. I guess I'm just not interested.
The Gathering will be released on April 21, 2011. This book is definetely going to be bought whenever the paperback is out. I read Kelley Armstrong before, The Darkest Powers Trilogy, and The Gathering I think will still be in the same universe.
City of Fallen Angels will be released on April 5, 2011. Another book that definetely will be bought whenever the paperback is out. I've read the first 3 books, thanks God that I bought it all in one day (I asked my mom to buy it when she went to Singapore) so I don't have to wait too long. And suddenly Cassandra Clare told us that she'll make another book on The Mortal Instruments Series. Hieh...fortunately, the book 4 is about Simon, not about Jace and Clary hehehe...anyway...I like Simon and can't wait to read about his adventure.
Bloodline will be released on August 23, 2011 This one is for Mia :) Bloodline is spin-off for Vampire Academy, a well recommended series by Mia, and since I've read from wikipedia that the series have a happy ending, I promise I'll try to read the series. Thanks God the Vampire Academy already finished!
The Throne of Fire will be released on May 3, 2011 Since the first book of the series I bought was a hardcover edition, I think I'll buy the 2nd book on hardcover too...just hope it won't be too expensive, like Harry Potter which get expensive every new book....really can't wait for this book.
The Warlock will be released on May 24, 2011 Somehow I don't like the series. I bought the first and second book I think, but haven't finished the first book. I don't like the characters. Althought what they did in the book seems...reasonable but still... I don't think it's what a hero or a heroine should do... so I just stopped reading all the way.
Forever will be released on July 12, 2011
Another book that I didn't read. Again, I'm not interested in the story.
The Iron Queen will be released on January 25, 2011
I also didn't read this book. Again, not so interested in the story. Somehow story about fey or fairies doesn't pique my interest...but I love Tinkerbell...
I know there are many books, many young adults new upcoming books...but so far I only found this on hot new release tab on amazon.com. I don't think I'll looking for another books yet...I'm sleepy :) so...until next time...I haven't got to the adults part :D...
Please e-mail me directly if you have any question about things that I wrote in this blog at celotehze@yahoo.com
kak ze, baca tetralogi Inheritance ga? Yang Eragon-Eldest-Brisingr?
Keren loh :)
tapi yg keempat masih upcoming, bahkan judulnya blom ada..
nope...sorry gak ikutan baca...entah kenapa enggak baca. padahal sepupu ku baca dan dia bilang keren juga. mungkin karena waktu itu baca yang bahasa indonesia dan belum tertarik, terus langsung nonton filmnya...jadi tambah enggak tertarik hahaha...
Eragon itu bagus sekalii #nyamber :p
tapi lanjutannya blom baca, bukunya alamak tebal kali. haha.
Darkest mercy covernya cantik banget tapi aku berhenti membaca di seri pertama, ga suka :p
Passion yang the fallen series itu buku pertama atau keduanya jadi pemenang goodreads award ze, tapi aku krg suka sih, serem gothic gitu covernya hehe. Lagian agak-agak trauma baca fallen angel sejak hush hush.
Kali ini selera kita agak beda yang pasti dibeli olehmu bukunya aku kurang suka, mortal series itu ga lanjut the gathering jg :p
Nic Flamel series ini covernya bagus sekaliii, warlock ini seri terakhir ya kalau ga salah? Kalau bloodlines sih sepertinya musti baca dan koleksi karena VA ga koleksi bukunya.
Kane chronicles, yak akhirnya ada yang bsia kita baca bareng-bareng *toss* :p
yah lupa masih ada lanjutannya! Shiver bagus lho ze, ga suka ya :p iron queen juga lumayan, aku ngikutin sih karena temenku jadi penerjemahnya jadi pas buku 1 dapet kiriman gratis. :p
Iya yah...selera buku kita beda ternyata hahaha...
Shiver emang dibilang bagus, tapi mungkin karena ceritanya werewolf jadi enggak gitu suka...
Passion dan seri-nya juga enggak gitu tertarik, mungkin agak kesaru sama Hush-Hush juga tuh...kalo soal fallen angel, mungkin lebih milih versi dewasa nya aja kali ya :) lebih seru...
Untung kita masih bisa sama-sama menikmati Rick Riordan punya buku hahaha...
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