Monday, November 24, 2008

Swing On A Star

Would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a mule

A mule is an animal with long funny ears
Kicks up at anything he hears
His back is brawny but his brain is weak
He's just plain stupid with a stubborn streak
And by the way, if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule

Or would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a pig

A pig is an animal with dirt on his face
His shoes are a terrible disgrace
He has no manners when he eats his food
He's fat and lazy and extremely rude
But if you don't care a feather or a fig
You may grow up to be a pig

Or would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a fish

A fish won't do anything, but swim in a brook
He can't write his name or read a book
To fool the people is his only thought
And though he's slippery, he still gets caught
But then if that sort of life is what you wish
You may grow up to be a fish
A new kind of jumped-up slippery fish

And all the monkeys aren't in the zoo
Every day you meet quite a few
So you see it's all up to you
You can be better than you are
You could be swingin' on a star


Ditogendut said...

Okay... what's with this song? Kayanya kok pesan yang ingin disampaikan adalah supaya kita rajin sekolah ya?

Unknown said...

Sepertinya sih begitu :)

Karena sejarahnya, kalimat "if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule" muncul karena si anaknya Bing Crosby bilang kalo dia males sekolah, trus dijawab “If you don’t go to school, you might grow up to be a mule. Do you wanna do that?”

Nah kebetulan si pencipta lagu lagi ada di situ...dan muncul deh tuh lagu

Bagus ya!!!

Lu mesti ke MP gue To! Denger versinya The Ten Tenors!! Suer lucu banget!!

Anonymous said...

Well... masalahnya emang melodinya agak 'stale', kaya nggak ada puncak-nya, jadi agak boring dengerinnya. Bener kan? Reff-nya aja nggak ada naik-naiknya tho?

Soal syair... nggak komen deh gue. Secara sasarannya kan anak-anak, jadi ya gue maklum deh. Tapi sebenernya gue nggak gitu dukung lagu2 yang rada membodohi (contoh, manusia jadi keledai? mmm... quite...) meskipun gue juga sadar kalo itu cuman perumpamaan doang sih, bukan literally. Tapi anak kecil kan nangkepnya itu bisa beneran.

Well... dari 5 bintang gue kasih 2 deh, karena ada Bing Crosby-nya. Minus dia, mungkin 1 aja kali ya? Wahahaha... (jahat banget deh gue)

Unknown said...

YAH Dito!!! Padahal buat gue lagunya lucu banget lho!! Jenaka gitu lho...masak cuma dikasih 2 sih? Gue dari kemaren denger lagu ini terus lho...meskipun bukan versi yang ini, tapi versi si the Ten Tenors itu...

Gue suer suka banget!

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