Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Told You So - Carrie Underwood

Adek gue denger lagu ini pas waktu American Idol kemaren...dan gue penasaran makanya gue cari. Ternyata emang bagus...dan entah kenapa suasana hati gue malam ini sedang melankolis...tau-tau nangis...padahal gue lagi mikirin hal lain.

We just had dinner, the 10 of us...and the laughs then turned to be a serious discussion...and I think what I really felt just coming out when I hear this song...although what I felt is not about break-up...I think it's just one of those moment, when the music make you more sensitive...

I Told You So

Suppose I called you up tonight
And told you that I love you
And suppose I said I wanna come back home
And suppose I cried and said "I think I finally learned my lesson
And I'm tired of spending all my time alone"
If I told you that I realize you're all I ever wanted
And it's killing me to be so far away
Would you tell me that you love me to
And would we cry together
Or Would you simply laugh at me and say

I told you so
Oh, I told you so
I told you someday you'd come crawling back and asking me to take you in
I told you so
But you had to go
Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again

If I got down on my knees and told you I was yours forever
Would you get down on yours too and take my hand
Would we get that old time feeling
Would we laugh and talk for hours
The way we did when our love first began
Would you tell me that you miss me too
And that you've been so lonely
And that you've waited for the day that I returned
And we live and love forever
And that I'm your one and only
Or Would you say the tables finally turn

Would you say I told you so
Oh, I told you so
I told you someday you'd come crawling back and asking me to take you in
I told you so
But you had to go
Now I found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again

Now I found someone new and you will never break my heart in two again

Music Playlist at


Anonymous said...

Why so sad?
Nggak ngerti gw, apa hubungan lagu ini dengan kejadian ketemu temen2 tadi...

Ditogendut said...

Mungkin bukan isi keseluruhan lagu yang bikin Ze, terharu. Tapi cuman frase "I TOLD YOU SO".

Dia kan ibunya anak-anak, udah gitu guru pula, jadi so pasti sering banget frase itu keluar dari dia. Makanya dia terharu frase andalan dia dijadiin lagu. Wakakaka... :))

Btw, gue semalem beler berat. Kelar ditelpon Frd n Rany jam 7, lagsung bablas tidur sampe jam 10 siang. Hieh... tidur kok 15 jam? Hehehe... Udah serasa hibernasi. Khikhikhi... Apa jangan jangan gue habis digigit lalat TseTse ya? YAN! Tanggung jawab tuh, anak buah lo bikin gue ngantuk. Hehehe... (ngaco mode-on)

Unknown said...

Emang gk ada hubungannya antara lagu itu dengan kejadian semalam...krn 'kan tema tuh lagu break-up [or come back song?]... cuma musiknya yang sedih aja bikin gue tiba-tiba sedih...gk tau lah kenapa...hormon kali [BAH!!]... :)

Anonymous said...


yah.. kadang2 seneng jg jd cowok, ga perlu berurusan dengan hal itu; meskipun pengen jg sih bikin itu jd alasan kl lg moody (jd inget nico yg tiap bln pasti ada saat2 moody).

Dito, justru gw sengaja suruh anak buah gw bikin elu ngantuk. Kl ga gitu, elu pasti ga istirahat. Hayo ngaku deh, kmrn2 cape berat kan?

Gw kmrn malah gak tidur abis jalan2 itu. Dipikir2, sama aja gw pergi clubbing bareng imel dan freddy deh. Gw internetan ampe jam stgh 5 pagi! trus tidur ampe jam 12 siang. gile...

Ditogendut said...

Jangan salah Yan, kita juga bisa moody karena hormon lho. Tanya aja sama Ingrid.

Kalo pas kita lagi cape, n makan nggak teratur pula, pasti produksi testosteron turun drastis. Udah deh, dijamin mellow2 n lemah banget. Ntar giliran roduksi hormon kembali normal, kita happy-happy lagi. Kurang moody apa coba kaya gitu?

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